Defining “Officer Vacancy”

In these situations, there is a vacancy:

  1. The governing convention did not fill the position

  2. The incumbent passed away

  3. The incumbent resigned

    1. Any executive committee officer or director who misses three consecutive unit meetings without being "excused" is considered resigned.

  4. The incumbent moves to a different jurisdiction than the one they were elected to represent

  5. Removal of the incumbent with a reason

Providing Notice to Fill Vacancy

  1. A meeting notice sent at least 10 days before the meeting must include information about the intention to hold an election to fill a vacancy 

  2. Fill the vacancy at the central committee meeting stated in the notice.

    1. Only the positions specified in the meeting notice may be filled at the meeting.

Special Cases

When the chair is vacant:

  1. The vice chair takes over the chair's position

  2. The central committee elects a new vice chair.

When a central committee delegate or member position with an alternate becomes vacant:

  1. The highest-ranking alternate who maintains equal division fills the position.

  2. The central committee elects a new last ranked alternate who maintains equal division.

When a central committee delegate or member position with no alternate becomes vacant:

  1. The central or executive committee meeting a new member/delegate from its current executive committee members.

Officers and officials take office at the end of the convention or meeting where they were elected.