Redistricting is over!! The official redistricted legislative and local districts are live in VAN as of this morning, 6/23. This means that your campaigns are good to organize on the new precinct lines. Please read on to know what to expect as we tie up all loose ends!
If you weren’t around for our initial conversations on redistricting, please refer to our redistricting notice to VAN users from last winter.
Geographic errors are out, Secretary of State errors might be in
As a reminder, VAN is a database tool built off of the Secretary of State's source data. Since the Secretary of State’s file is now in sync with the 2022 maps released by the courts, we will no longer see geocoding errors in VAN.
That being said, the DNC has warned us from experience in other states that there still may be errors in the new file. If any errors surface, the DFL will need to resolve them in collaboration with the Secretary of State's staff. You can use this form to report any redistricting errors you find in VAN, so that we can consolidate the errors and meet with OSS to resolve them all at once. Once the form is submitted, no further action is necessary. Any form submissions unrelated to redistricting will be happily deleted; we are still available at for day-to-day VAN needs.
Stand by for perfect geographic precision in user assignments!
We are also starting the process of correcting user access from the temporary precinct-level assignments back to the traditional legislative assignments. You may see changed results in saved searches, counts and crosstabs, etc as the numbers converge to the proper district assignments.
We have more than 1800 users to redistrict, so we appreciate your patience as we make progress on that front. We are prioritizing corrected district access for campaigns in active primary challenges. We ask that VAN users who are NOT in an active primary give us until July 1 before submitting support requests to related to geographic access.
Cleaner committee titles
Finally, we will be removing the old district numbers from campaign committee titles, since we no longer need a paper trail to troubleshoot temporary precinct assignments. That means that committee names will change from "Emperor Palpatine - SD99 (SD89 old)" to "Emperor Palpatine - SD99," or from "Shrek - HD99A (new)" to "Shrek - HD99A." This is just a title change, and you can rest assured that it does not affect geographic access. If it looks like we've renamed your committee with an incorrect district, please flag it to us at
As always, please let us know at if you have any additional questions!
Meredith & Alex