The Wall Chart functionality in Action Builder is a useful tool to verify your caucus data or search for specific roles within your caucusgoers' data. The Wall Chart contains a list of all of the people in your campaign. If you do not see the Wall Chart when you enter your campaign in Action Builder, email to get access. The screenshot below shows what that functionality looks like. 

To use the search function, navigate to the "filter results" section on the right side of your screen. From here, you can select a wide variety of options to narrow your search. 

The "info" drop-down tab is where you will find the most useful info. From here, click "include" and check the boxes from the categories you would like to search for. You can search for caucus attendees, search by county, search for specific caucus roles such as precinct chair, among many other search criteria. IMPORTANT: Before you search, make sure in the "include entities who have" box, you have selected, "must match ALL of these responses" and NOT "must much any of these responses."

Example of what "include entities who have" box should look like:

After you have selected your search criteria, click "run query" and a new list of names will appear on the left side of your screen, filtered by your search criteria. 

Example of what a wall chart with the "Caucus Attendee" filter looks like: 

Please note that some new records may not have their county, sd, or precinct properly info properly attached to their records. If you had to create an entity and did not assign them a county or sd, they may not appear in your new wall chart when you search using those criteria. 

For any questions on the Wall Chart querying process, please reach out to