I want to sign up for an ActionNetwork or VAN training, but I don’t know where to go from there. I have a log in for one or both of the tools, but I'm not sure where to go from there. 


In this article we will cover how to sign up for Live Trainings offered by the DFL Data Team. We are accepting sign ups for all trainings, but note that you will not receive an invitation to your desired training until the week of the training. 

You can sign up directly on the DFL Training Hub. If you haven't used the Training Hub before, follow our instruction here

VAN Training

We offer live VAN trainings in a two part series during every Tuesday and Thursday! Trainings go from 5:30-6:30PM each day. You'll want to join us for both, as we cover new topics on each night with short take-home content after Tuesday's training.

We will not offer VAN training on Tuesday, August 9 due to the primary election. Instead, we will 

Training sign ups close 24 hours before the session. Although we offer trainings, we know that this won't work for every schedule. Please reach out to us at voterfile@dfl.org if you need to schedule another time to meet.

Action Network

Action Network has a great how-to video on how to send emails using the service.

We also have a knowledge base article covering the basics

Action Network will not redistrict users until 2023. Until then, we have uploaded the new districts into Action Network as custom fields for you to use. Instructions on how to target post-2022 districts can be found here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Data Office Hours

We are available for all VAN users every Friday from 1pm to 3pm for office hours in the following Zoom meeting:  https://dfl.zoom.us/j/97850374353?pwd=SGF3Q3pVa09hMzI2QlZ3c3FPTG5NUT09

Please notify our staff at voterfile@dfl.org if you plan to attend office hours.

If you are a member of the coordinated campaign field team, please contact your ROD to get the link for Wednesday office hours.

We hope you can join us for one or all of our trainings, however we know this schedule will not work for each individual's schedule. We are happy to connect at other times for more group trainings! 

Questions or feedback? Please email us at voterfile@dfl.org

If you have suggestions for other articles that you’d like to see in the knowledge base, submit your request here.